Sunday, February 26, 2012

The sickies

I've been sick 6 days now with a sinus and double ear infection. I'm on antibotics, but still haven't kicked the sickness. Needless to say, I haven't worked out for a long time. My goal is to get back into the gym next week because I have a fairly easy week at work, which is few and far in between. Hubby says he feels like crap because he's been gaining weight, too, so maybe he'll get his motivation back. Being fat sucks!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


My hubby and I had a very healthy, low calorie lunch...I just wish the day would continue. I know I am in control of my life and what I eat, but I'm going to be weak. We are about to head to our church's evening service and then stay for the superbowl party. Everyone has been asked to bring snacky type foods, which will not be healthy and I'll enjoy every bite of it. I just hoping my spinach/artichoke dip doesn't come home with me :)

We sat down last night and schedule gym time into our already crazy week to ensure we are there every night for the next 7 days. I'll update ya to see if that actually happens!

If anyone is on facebook (and who really isn't anymore) there's a group called Sunshine's Journey to 199 that is a great tool for weight might wanna check it out.

Even though my beloved Colts are not playing, I still have a Manning to watch! Go Giants!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Here goes nothing!

Dwaine 01/01/2011

Christy 01/01/2011

Us 12/25/2011
My hubby, Dwaine, and I have been on a weight loss journey since January 2011. We have both been overweight our entire life and we finally got tired of the excess weight. We did really well the first 6 months of the year (I had lost 87 pounds and Dwaine lost 100 pounds) until we lost our jobs within four days of each other and essentially gave up (and gained some of the weight back). We started back the journey again this January, but we just don't have the steam that we had last year. As of today, I have lost 65 pounds total and Dwaine has lost 47 pounds total. I currently weigh 327 and he weighs 350. Join us on our journey!