Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Turtle power!

I'm still trucking along on my weight loss journey. I've reaches 24 successive days of eating healthy. I haven't went over my calorie limit more than once. I'm still losing weight, but only at half pound increments weekly. It feels like this will take a lifetime to reach my ultimate weight loss goal! I did make mini goals to reach throughout my journey with my first goal being 330 by August 1. I would have had to lost 9 pounds in a month and at first it seemed very attainable, but with only losing 2.5 this month I will not reach that goal:( I will reevaluate my goals on August 1, but until then, I'm going to kick up my exercise routine. Slow & steady wins the race, right?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cheater cheater

I haven't fallen off the bandwagon yet! I've stuck to my diet and have lost 10.5 pounds in two weeks. I didn't lose nearly as much this week as I did last week and that's okay!

Tonight I'm having my full on cheat meal and I'm completely enjoying without regret. I had a big Mac and a large fry with a diet coke! For snack right now I'm have popcorn and semi sweet Choco chips! Yum!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Plateau maybe?

I'm not sure what's going on with my body currently, but I'm tired of eating right, exercising, & watching my weight go up!! I'm not going to stress about it too much right now, but for next week I will adjust my food a little to see what changes happen then.

On a positive note: I turned down brownies tonight at church!! Huge accomplishment for me!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


It's been 6 days since I've started this diet and I have stuck to it perfectly with the exception of Wednesday night's dinner. It has paid off too! I am down 8.6 pounds as I weighed in this morning at 339. I am well on my way to being 330 by August 1!

Hubby and I sat down last night to set our goals for weight loss. It will take me a whole 2 years and 2 months to reach my goal weight of 150lbs. It will take hubby 1 year 2 months to reach his goal of 210.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th @ 1st

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day. I was at my church today from 9am-3pm working at our community outreach, 4th at 1st. It was a 106 degrees and even with sunblock, I'm burnt badly. I ate in moderation and drunk over 100ozs of water and still feel sick. I hope to feel better tomorrow and be back to my diet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's easy as 1-2-3

I weighed myself yesterday when I decided to get back on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon. I was pleased more then I should have been to see 347.6 staring back at me. I truly expected it to be in the 360s!

I typically set way too high goals for myself, so this time I've made a more attainable goal of 330 by August 1. My second goal is to be 299 by January 1.

The second change this time is instead of cheat days, I'll have cheat meals. I know I could do without them, but I am choosing not to at this time.

The last change are the rewards I allow myself. I typically would reach a goal and reward myself with food or drink. This was what got me in trouble in the first place, so why continue it!? Instead I will reward myself with books, clothes, and cooking utensils.

Monday, July 2, 2012

H2Oooh, where's the bathroom?

I've been really good today. I'm way under my calorie limit and feeling good! I've only had a little over 80ozs of water today, but I constantly have to pee! Is this normal? If so, do you ever get used to it?

I'm heading home from work now to have tilapia tacos on romain lettuce. On of my favorite meals!