Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Epic Fail

Okay, well I suck at this whole blogging and weight loss thing.  I have so fallen off the band-wagon and binge ate for so long.  I'm heart-broken that I cannot get myself together to eat healthy.  I have always had my hubby right there with me to eat healthy and exercise, but he isn't into it either right now.  I have the desire, but not the drive to do well right now.  I am going to try start over tomorrow with a new leaf and get back on track. I've spent the last two hours surfing the web trying to motivate myself and stumbled across Who ate my blog.  He is very motivating for me since he has lost over 300 pounds without surgery. He posts each day on what he eats and drinks in addition to the exercise.  I have downloaded some of the iphone apps that he uses to see if I can be anymore successful. I need to find it within myself to do it and hopefully I can.

For breakfast today I had a fiber plus bar. I brought my lunch but my work buddy picked up from a local deli so I ordered.  I had a diet coke, doritos, and a deep fried bologna sandwich. I had a cupcake as a snack.  I fixed dinner when I got home. We had muenster chicken, green beans, and twice baked potatoes. I had a pepsi and piece of homemade cake.  Horrible day! I try to stay around 1600 calories and I'm sure I exceeded 3500!

Tomorrow's a new day!