Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Here are the immediate goals that I have for myself.  I have already signed up and paid for my first ever 5K so I don't chicken out, but now I have to be able to actually do it!  I tried unsuccessfully the first week of couch to 5K and had to stop half way through it.  I will re-try it on Friday!
  1. Weigh 299 pounds!!
  2. Successfully finish W1D1 of C25K
  3. Complete C25K
  4. Finish a 5K (April 20, 2013)
  5. Weigh 275.
I am really worried right now that I will fail.  I am so tired of failing at weight loss. Through this journey, I am quickly learning that I have no willpower or endurance. I will end this on a positive note, though.  Today hubby and I weighed in on our first weekly weight loss competition...and I beat him by 0.07%!!!  Ha ha. Now he has the full responsibility of taking care of the animals until next weigh in Wednesday.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Attempt 3

So I totally feel completely off the bandwagon. Hubby and I got back on yesterday. I weighed in at 332.4 and he in at 356. We are following as best as we can to Bob Harper's skinny rules. I am also following some of the former Biggest Loser contestants to see what all they eat and how they workout for inspiration. I also admire Amanda Tyson. Love her!!

Tonight I did the 1st half of C25K because it was all I could muster. We then ended the night with Biggest Loser on the Kinnect.

My goal is still to be 299 by New Year's Eve. I do not want to go into a new year weighing in the 300s!!!!!!!!

Next up--> detailed goals!