Monday, March 12, 2012

Mini goal!!!

Okay, so I totally feel off the diet and exercise bandwagon. I cannot remember the last time I ate healthy or exercised....well until today. I wish I knew what was wrong with me, but I don't know. I just kind of gave up and didn't care. Sunday night a fire was lit under my butt and I went to Wal-Mart and bought more than $100.00 on just healthy food. Today I ate all healthy food and I am not tired nor am I hungry. Thus far I have only eaten 850 calories and I am done for the night. I missed that feeling so much more than I knew. 

I am back up to 332.6 calories and I hope to be at like 228 this Sunday. I know it's possible...I just need willpower. I've decided to make my first little mini goal here and I hope ya'll will hold me accountable for it. I work in a residential group home for teenage girls and their last day of school is May 25 and we have all kids of cool things planned for them. One of those big activities for them to do is for administration (me!) to take them to Holiday World for the day, which includes riding all the rides and going to the water park with them. I want to do this with them and enjoy myself. So, here's the goal: I will be at or under 299 pounds by June 1!!!!