Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mental block

I have been in such a mental funk the past few months. I just don't know how to get myself out of it anymore. I have had no motivation to eat healthy or to lose weight. Here's a small run-down of what's been going on.

1. I got braces on my teeth on 2/13/13 after years of my dentist pushing me to go.
2. Work became really bad (i.e crazy boss) so I turned in my 4 week notice on a Wednesday afternoon last month and they fired me the next day! No, I didn't have another job lined up, but we had enough savings to be okay for like 3 months.
3. I had an interview set up for the day following my firing and they offered me the job by the following Tuesday and I started my new job that Thursday without skipping any paychecks.
4. My new job is 8-4, m-f, with no on-call. This job is a mere 40 minutes from home compared to my 1.5 hour one-way commute with my previous job. Plus the job was a 12k jump in pay.
5. I bought a new car, a 4 door Honda Civic at only $190 a month for 3 years!

That's been the extent of my past few months. Starting this new job has been wonderful for me because I absolutely love what I am doing and the people. The job has allowed me to spend more time with my husband who I haven't done much with since 2008 because of my crazy work hours.

The braces are just a pain in my ass. They're cutting the hell out of my mouth and affect the way I eat, sleep and talk. It seems that as soon as I get comfortable with them, they tighten them and the whole cycle starts over again adjusting to them.

I am hoping once I get a little more settled into my job, I'll get back on track with eating and exercising--I just have to work on the metal aspect. I'm going to try to get back on track tomorrow, but I can't say it will not be a half-hearted attempt. I do have a 5k next weekend with a former work pal that scaring the crap out of me!! I also tried a diet bet through biggest loser Hannah and Olivia. Needless to say it was a flop because I was not mentally into it at the time. I may try another dietbet again, though.

Hopefully I'll be updating sooner than I was.

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