Sunday, December 16, 2012

Detour to January

It's totally safe to say that I have fallen off the healthy lifestyle bandwagon. Not only have I fallen, I have been totally left behind. I know that this is totally my fault, but dang it's really hard to turn down yummy, delicious holiday treats. Everyone has been bringing in Christmas candies, pizza, and cakes. AHH! I have no willpower, so I am doing the worst thing possible and choosing to just live my life for now and enjoy each day. If I am under my calories, then great. If not, I am not going to beat myself up. I will re-start my healthy eating with the rest of the world on January 1. This is my choice and I will live with my consequences, but I cannot continue to belittle myself as I have been doing over the past week because I am miserable and life just isn't long enough to be miserable.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going sister...keep going! I just remember that it was food (something good for us) that Satan used to get Adam and Eve in the garden. Fight back with prayer, don't try to do it in your own will power, use God's power. Memorize Gods words and speak them out loud over yourself. Satan will learn to fear you and that when he tempts you with food or to not exercise, your new response will be praising God for your will power. (learned conditioning as we say in SW. Ha!)

    I am doing it with you. Lets shed those pounds!!

    Praying for you!
